“The light of love will save the humanity”
Founding president
Hülya Kavuzlu
Dear friends, I embrace you all with love that is eternal.
The universe, which we live in bodily, has been the host for us to be on Earth for a very long time and has been presenting us quite generous treats. This uniquely beautiful hosting and presenting of the universe is a precious blessing for us humans and the eternal life.
The world that we live in does not only shelters us within; but also shelters with love other lives that we know and do knot know of, that we see and do not see too. And, we have been being a part of this harmonious togetherness.
As the Spirituals Association family; we, as the goodness ambassadors, have the awareness that we exist
in order to perform the consciousness of unity at the essence which is a humane merit, within this harmonious togetherness. And with this awareness, we effectuate and apply the “being a good person program” that we qualify as humane merits, and which we call as the seven traits. We know that the essence of a spiritual being is unconditional love. This requires to give unconditionally. Just as in the case
of the treat, which is presented to us by the universe, being infinite, as I expressed earlier.
And us, we go along with the universe by being in harmony with its unconditional treat and offering; through extending unconditional love and compassion to the nature, animals and humans, while showing respect, delivering charity and help every moment, sacrificing the profits and in the state of humbleness and with the virtue of patience.
My dear friends; as the humanity, the value of us humanity is not just about that we exist; we also have a holy duty such as to generate. We should remember our responsibility towards our higher selves, our families, relatives, our friends and pals, towards the environment, the humanity, the animals and all kinds of lives in the nature, every moment. This responsibility is to generate the “unity consciousness” at which we represent the truth.
With its all members, the family of the Spirituals Association, which is the first one to be established on the Earth, an Anatolian mission and which is based in Türkiye; reaches out to people actively on every platform to raise their consciousness in order to let the love and peace to prevail the world, realizes charity and help practices to yield solutions for the problems in the field of human and nature within the
life that we live in, and exhibits all kinds of humane benevolence actions. In this way, we are conveying the truth from the one to the entirety through all means, through actions and through providing information; and we are undertaking the duty of us all remembering again that we are siblings.
Dear friends; one true human (who performs the seven traits) satisfies a hundred humans’ needs. A hundred true humans satisfy a thousand humans’ needs. More perfected humans would satisfy more humans’ need and this transforms into humane gratitude as the response to the generosity of the universe.
We believe in and we know that; the human, that is within period and the content of the spiritual development, will affect positively not only the individual development but the development of all humanity as well with his/her seven traits bearing the unconditionality principle, the unity consciousness and oneness awareness.
All human beings are representations of this blessed "being a good human program". All humans are siblings and everyone comes from what is one, with love. Languages and cultures are the indicators of the knowledge richness of the human existence. We can build the eternal essence-love in the world that we live in.
Dear friends; you too may meet us under the same roof and we can unite at this duty for what is right and for the truth.
The door of our association is open unconditionally for all travelers of the path of spirituality.
With Salaam and salaam,
Founding president
Hülya Kavuzlu
Spiritüeller Maneviyatlılar Derneği
2024 Yılı Faaliyet Raporu