She was born in Adana. She completed all her education, including her bachelor studies, in Adana. She completed her university education and obtained a BSc degree as a Chemistry Scientist. She carried out master studies with thesis for executives (eMBA) at Preston University and obtained a Master degree in International Business. She started her career when she was only 23 years old as a Production - Quality - Quality System Engineer in an American company that is the leader in its own segment in Turkiye and in the world, and in a very short time she became a manager there. She worked as a manager in the fields of Production, Quality, R&D, Quality System for 9 years at companies that are leaders at their own segments in Turkiye.
In addition to her success at her career at a young age, due to her love for people since her childhood and as a result of her realization of the mystery of living, the vision called life, she has made researches in the fields of psychology, philosophy, spiritual journey (spiritualism), and has continuously improved herself in these areas. She experienced her first enlightenment when she was 15 years old. From the age of 15, she has been constantly conveying to people the knowledge on wisdom and truth; following this experience of enlightenment, she continues to convey the awareness that has been revealed in her and the wisdom knowledge she experienced. She carried out studies on the Qur'an in the same period (in the 1990s). In 2010, she started to give trainings, conveying her attainments that she gained as a result of her enlightenment and her researches on spiritual matters that she made for 25 years, at professional platforms through the seminars on truth that she gives and the science-based wisdom trainings, that she still continues to give.
After finding out of all the dimensions of human anatomy outside the body, she formed her own school regarding the healing of psychological, spiritual, bodily and life-related problems and she presented Deep System healing Therapy® methodology for the benefit of the humanity. She has been training many therapists and trainers of this therapy method that are from all over the world.
With the mission of raising awareness of people, she left her career and founded her own company in 2014, with the desire to provide a platform with it that will enable the people to learn the source of life, that will offer them healing, and enable their holistic development. While continuing to provide individual sessions and consultancies between the years 2014-2017, she also continued to give training of these sessions. After a long period of guidance, she ended giving individual sessions and devoted herself to train healers through conveying this knowledge to her students.
With the mission of making love and peace to prevail the whole world, she established the SPRITDER (Spirituals Association) in Turkey in 2018 and became its founder president in order to serve to humanity with the traits of unconditional- love, compassion, humbleness, patience, charity-help, respect and self-sacrifice and to ensure unity and wholeness all over the world. At the same time, she is carrying out activities; in order to form standards and terminology that will enable the people in Türkiye to attain their personal and spiritual developments in a safe environment; in order to compile, and standardize for the first time in the fields of metaphysics, parapsychology spiritual development, personal development and similar; and in order to ensure that everyone in this sector carries out activities in line with the rules through enabling inspections done in accordance with standards.
For the first time in Europe, she established the Spirituality School® in Turkiye in 2018, and she has been giving lectures on the truth, she has been training students of spirituality with science-based wisdom trainings with the curriculums originally prepared within the line of her own school, and she has been providing guidance for the journey of individuals on the spiritual path. In line with the achievements and the knowledge she has gained throughout her life; she serves for the purpose of humanity learning the Qur’an with the motto of “Qur’an can be known even without knowing Arabic and to know Arabic does not mean to know the Qur’an”, through the special study she carries out on the Qur’an. She guided people who desire to advance in wisdom and to be developed in spirituality to apply this special study and in this way, she conduced to the learning of
individuals the Qur’an. In this line, for presenting the study which she has been carrying out with the people who demanded it for years, she started to work in order to tell the truth of Qur’an to people and she organized sessions called “Universal Qur’an Revelation” that she still carries on with. After 2019, her explanations within the revelations carried out until now has been made books; and the revelations of the surahs called Alaq- “Rabb’s Molecule and Qadr- “Exiting from the Multitude” have been presented to people as the first and second book of Qur’an Corpus. She started to deliver calls to the whole world to join Islam with the aim that love, peace and fraternity are extended to the world. Initially, she sent the call letters to join to Islam to all of the world leaders. She still continues to send the call letters to world leaders, activists and intellectuals, respectively.
Currently, she trains healers within her own school, with DSHT® Divine System Healing Therapy, and continues to be a teacher at the Spirituality School® that she established by giving science- based wisdom trainings. She continues to deliver her life’s purpose which is to explain to all humanity the truth of Qur’an and that we are one and whole without the distinction of language, religion and ethnicity. She is still continuing to carry out the presidency duty at the Spirituals Association that she founded. She provides guidance to people for their spiritual and personal development, for their life purpose and for enabling them to live with awareness. Within this context of raising awareness, as she aims to reach everyone, she is delivering seminars and trainings, organizing “Universal Qur’an Revelation” sessions and she continues to share her knowledge through compiling them in books that she writes